Sorry for no posts last week, but Grandma Big K was in town. Of course, this meant lots of extra work for me - like ignoring my childcare responsibilities, sleeping late and hitting a matinee of True Grit. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it.
Anywho, this week we are back on track with the children getting back at me in spades. Graham is steadfastly refusing to cooperate with my potty training efforts, no matter how many bribes I throw his way. It's kind of confusing and frustrating, especially since I literally can't think of a place I wouldn't poop for an endless supply of m&m's and buzz lightyear toys. He's a stubborn kid when he wants to be, which some people say reminds them of me. I however, refuse to believe it and never ever will, no matter how many times they try to convince me.
Jakey is keeping up his end by having another respiratory infection and
sleepcoughing. That's right, he coughs all night long while being sound asleep. And not just a quiet respectful cough. No, he lets out these long hacking trucker coughs that grab the parent center of my brain and shake it mercilessly. So, I end up going to check on him every half hour or so and find him happily asleep. Good stuff.
Oh well, here's some pictures:
With Big K and Stashpa |
At the museum with our newest Paleontologist.
My new definition of rockstar....