Thursday, June 9, 2011


Other things we did:

Learned to ride a bike.....

Did some brotherly walking...

Said some weird stuff about animals....

Enjoyed the aftereffects of some rain...

Beat the heat....

And picked up a few crude expressions.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The past 3 weeks

Wow, it has been a while. Oh well, that Exorcist-esque stomach bug that the boys had knocked me on my ass for a bit. Man, that was bad stuff.

Anywho, as always, we've been busy.

Sarah made me get a haircut do she could feel like she's married to a middle aged out of shape Justin Beiber impersonator

The boys reprised an adorable pose from last summer

Grandma Big K visited, bearing books. To mark the occasion, I put the boys in their best henleys.

Jakey on revolution 9,000,000,000 around the train table. Diaper by Pampers.

"And from the light an angel babe shall be delivered unto the train table..."

It got really hot

After I picked Jakey up from a Pinochle tournament we hit the splash park

Graham grew about 14 feet

Really no caption needed, is there?

Jakey, did you do it?

How did he get so big? I mean, I barely feed him.

Saving some for later

Brothers trying to catch ants on a sidewalk. I'm kind of convinced Graham's hair is made of iron and has just rusted to that color.

We went to a AAA baseball game. The real action was in the family seating, where Jakey DEMOLISHED a hot dog, macaroni salad and home fries.

Beating the heat in diapers.

Jakey conquered Baby France

Jakey also seems to have inherited the Batman mask. Of course, the only true way to celebrate such a passing of the torch is to get your Barbie on.

Later this week....The videos!