Thursday, January 27, 2011

sick babies

Jesus Christ there is nothing worse than having a sick baby.

Little man Jake has this horrible cold/fever/flu thing and is just absolutely miserable. His main symptom is this cough that sounds like it starts in his intestines, gathers strength through his stomach only to realize it's full barking glory as it hits his chest. It's kept him up both last night and the night before and is racking his poor little body. Yesterday, he coughed so hard at breakfast that he threw up an entire banana on me.

However, I wouldn't really be honest if I didn't admit that as bad as I feel for the little man, he is also driving me absolutely 100% nuts. The constant whining and hacking and needing to be held is kind of killing me, especially at 3 in the morning. And I'm kind of pissed at him for being sick on a Thursday, which is the day I usually do my music program at the daycare center in the morning and then get the afternoon to myself. He's really infringing on my "me" time, if you know what I mean.

Yes, I do feel bad and selfish for feeling this way, but what can you do? If you want selfless, read Mother Theresa's blog.


lorraine said...

Poor Jakey and poor Joey! Does the baby Tylenol help?

Gordon said...

Oh man, poor kid! I know our turn is coming any day now, I'm already dreading it.

Hopefully you'll be spared the worst of it — when the sickness has long ended (along with your quickly-depleted sympathy) but the kid's sleep is all jacked up. Jonah's last flu was followed by a week of full-on sleep training, as though he expected that one fever means he now sleeps on daddy's chest every night...

And baby Tylenol is just a placebo, right? Is there baby Vicodin instead?