Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Time

Man, the Christmas spirit is flying in our house and not necessarily in a good way. Graham is so excited that he has essentially morphed into a methed out 3 foot tall wrecking machine. He has also contracted an insane case of the "Why?'s" and now will not let any statement, however benign, go unchallenged. "Why do we need a clean house? Why is Santa at the North Pole? Why do you make us sleep outside?" etc.

Anywho, here some cute stuff from our holiday season:

Liberace, the Christmas Cowboy

This is unacceptable! Check the damn list twice! 

Nobody puts Baby in a box. Well, except Baby.

So I sez to this guy, I sez, listen Bub....

The intrepid little Santa in Rochester's natural environment

Jakey does not like the cold. Damn straight, young man.

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