I utterly and completely failed as a parent today.
In my defense, my children were sent from Hell today. Both of the boys were angry from the second they got up, but I know I didn't make it any better. Truthfully, I was too tired from being up all night with Jake to even care that much. The outcome was that the normal button pushing that comes with Graham's age turned into endless circular logic arguments and Jakey's screaming for bottles just made me want to hang myself. End result: they ended up watching a LOT of TV in the morning while being endlessly pacified with repeated helpings of colored goldfish.
Then, mercifully, it was nap time. However, they both refused to sleep even one wink - not a single god damned z between them. In fact, they not only did not sleep, they actually egged on each other's yelling and pouting for about half an hour until both were frothy screaming messes.
After that we went to Julian's house and made cookies despite about a trillion Grahamtrums before and during the trip. Bad choice? Of course, but I was just too beat up to do the right thing and establish some consequences. So instead, I rewarded bad behavior with sugar. Good call, Welsh.
In the end, my only victory was gained by exploiting the child's illiteracy and writing bad words on the cookies in food coloring before they were baked. Think I'm kidding?
I'm not |
I know you can't win them all, but I feel....how do you say?.... not good.
Oh well, there's always tomorrow.