Thursday, October 21, 2010


Yesterday I had my first truly horrifying moment as a SATD. I was trying to change Graham on his bed while I let Jakey crawl around next to us. We do this all the time since we have a sturdy set of bedrails and Jakey isn't that mobile yet.

Well, that sentence should be amended to read "was thought to not be that mobile yet." Before I knew what was happening, he had literally vaulted the rail and plunged to the floor. My first thought, as always in any situation where one of them gets hurt, was "dead baby." I am an eternal optimist.

Fortunately, he started screaming right away, so dead baby was off the table, but lots of other options were still very much on.  I went right into what I have to assume is the standard systems check for any parent. Hands moving? Check, quadriplegic baby off the table. Feet moving? No...Move those feet!!! Ok, feet moving, paralyzed baby off the table. Massive head bump? No, took brunt of the fall on the butt. Eyes tracking, teeth all there, still handsome? Check check check.

I kid, but that was some scary stuff. I have no idea what I will do when one of them actually really gets hurt, like broken arm or stitches or broken heart kind of hurt. Oof.

You really do wish you could bottle up all the pain they will ever have and take it on yourself. Except maybe the circumcisions. They can keep those.

1 comment:

Gordon said...

How do any of these kids survive, seriously?

P.S. Aren't you a SAHD? Or maybe you're referring to your home as a turd. I would totally be on board with that.