Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Morning


This morning was one where it all just came together.

To begin with, I woke up in the same bed with a woman who I hardly ever see anymore (mainly due to her insane work schedule and extensive adulterous affairs). Then, my boys woke up and both came to the same aforementioned bed and promptly fell asleep - Jakey in my arms and Graham in Sarah's.

To top it off it was a) the first chilly day in a while, so we all had the quilt pulled up tight around us and b) it was raining -  not too hard and not too soft, just the perfect Sunday morning lying in bed with my people amount.

However, before you think I've gone all soft, I will tell you that I did burst out laughing uncontrollably after about ten minutes. This was when I realized the irony that this was not only my ideal morning, but also Michael Jackson's.

1 comment:

Julie McCoy said...

Joe, I have no words. I love it. And I'm laughing out loud at work right now.