Sunday, September 19, 2010

The invention of lying

One of the great things in my stay at home dad adventure has been the ability to be present for so many changes in the kids' lives. This past week's change was that I saw Graham discover lying in earnest. The results have been, in a word, highlarious.

Of course, since lying is brand new to Graham, he assumes that I have the same rudimentary level of understanding of it that he does. Oh son, what a mistake that is. I have told lies that would make Tiger Woods blush.

Anyway, we're also trying to potty train and the combination of turds and fibs is comic gold. I promised Graham that the first time he used the potty correctly he could get a new Thomas train (Gordon to be exact) and this is some serious motivation. So literally every five minutes today we would play out this exact scene, with Grahambo scoring major points in my book for his absolute commitment.

Graham: I need to poop!
Me: Ok buddy (escorts G to potty)
Graham (immediately after pulling down underwear and sitting on seat): I pooped. Can we go get Gordon now?
Me: I don't think you pooped
Graham: I did!
Me: OK, let me look in the potty. (pulls G off potty) There's no poop in there, buddy.
Graham: Yes there is!
Me: Where?
Graham: In there!
Me: Nope, no poop.
Graham: No, there is. Can we go get Gordon now?

Regardless, no Gordon yet.

On another note, how great would it be to be as happy as this guy? This celebration was brought on by...absolutely nothing. I envy this every single day.


Gordon said...

Wait, is Jakey already in a big boy bed? Or is that Graham's bed in the video?

He's wicked cute, anyway...

Mr. Dad said...

That's Graham's bed. It'll be crazy when they're both in big beds...