Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So, anyone who reads this regularly knows that I bitch. A lot. I mean, it's kind of my thing. At least five people have asked me when I'm going to bring back the "Life is, of course, terrible" closing that frequently ended old FXA posts. We shall see....

Anyway, most of that bitching is intended to be funny. Life is, of course, not really that terrible most of the time. Except for the past week. Damn, that shit has been stone cold terrible.

Mr. Jake is sick as a dog. And not in that kind of puppy dog sad sickness where the baby just looks kind of glazed and out of it. This is the active, scream your damn head off sickness where the baby sounds like a tortured squirrel and never sleeps. Awesome.

What makes it worse is that it's a respiratory illness. So Jakey alternates between trying to hack up whatever funk is beguiling his lungs, choking on said funk and getting really really quiet. The loud times have us on the edge of panic because it sounds like he's dying and the the quiet times have us panicking because we become convinced that he has already died.

During the day I hold his wheezy little body and wish I could take it all away from him. Of course, yesterday he full on sneezed into my mouth, so I'm sure it's coming.

One shining star in this time has been Mr. Grahambo. That kid loves his little brother like nobody's business and has been working hard to show it.

The other night he took Jakey out for dinner and a show (which Jakey said was even better than Wicked):

And he also has been taking him on a number of therapeutic drives (Not so sure about Jakey's take on these - watch for the frequent "Tag me out, daddy" looks):

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