Monday, September 27, 2010

Pride Goeth Before The Mall

Possibly the greatest thing about being a little kid is the lack of self-consciousness. I mean, you don't know it at the time, but it's really the only time in your life when you aren't worried about how you look or if you're being judged or what other people think.

Right now Graham is the king of this. He will gladly jump naked into his friend's backyard pool, shamelessly cry about a matchbox car or poop his pants in front of a roomful of strangers at the store.

So it came as no surprise to me to see how ridiculously proud of himself he was during dress up in the playroom of the local library.

No one has ever been happier about a crappy little toolbelt. And, of course, that's why I'll be heading to the store tomorrow to get him a nice brand new one.

Well played, young G-Bo.

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