Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've lost another one

As we speak, I am sitting at the breakfast table with Jakey, who is currently pondering one of life's great banana mysteries.

It's nice to have this alone time with him while Grahambo sleeps, but it's also kind of sad since I know I have lost him forever. You see, this past weekend Jakey learned to say "Mama" and now all bets are off. He wakes up saying mama, he says mama when looking for comfort, he says mama just for giggles when we're driving in the car.

He's dropped "Dada" from his vocabulary almost entirely now, using it only in passing grunts or when he has an exceedingly difficult poo job going on. It used to be his only word and I was king of the castle. Now I have been relegated to the same servant/punching bag caste that Graham holds me in.

I was hoping to hold on to Jake a little longer, but I know I must let him go into the abyss that is mommy. She's a powerful drug. 

So, so long Jakey. Maybe we'll meet again in a few years when I teach you about baseball and motorcycles.