Friday, November 5, 2010

Bohemian Wrapsody

So, ever since Halloween, Grahambo loves him some costumes. It started with just wanting to wear his Batman stuff around all the time, but has now morphed into a full-on desire to play dress up whenever the opportunity arises.

Luckily, the library we visit a lot has a whole box of costumes and this is Graham's new closet. His favorite new identity is that of the Queen.

Of course, being Graham, she isn't just any Queen - she's in touch with the people. So, while she could have thousands of subjects do her bidding, she chooses instead to stay in touch with her people by continuing to do all the little tasks.

Like taking care of the mail....

And, of course, manning the periscope herself.

In this writer's view, a truly noble re-imagining of the monarchy.

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