Monday, November 1, 2010

I have become lazy

Well, that's not entirely true.

Sarah has been on nights, which means we never see her and I have the boys to myself all day long. Don't get me wrong, I love these boys more than life itself, but considering how much I love life when I am a completely single parent...well...that's not saying too much.

I just don't get how single parents do this. Children take so much out of you every day it seems physically, mentally and emotionally impossible to me that people do this all by themselves. When I have to handle all the rearing responsibilities it's simply not within my power to also keep the house clean, the bills paid and the bed made.

My friend Jen suggests that the key is alcohol and advised me to start drinking every day at a reasonable hour, like 11AM. I guess that must be the ticket.

Anywho, Sarah is off nights now and this blog is about to get sexy again. Stay tuned.


lorraine said...

Where are the photos of the kiddos for Halloween? Did Graham have a good time?

Gordon said...

Dude, I really feel you. I'm spending my Monday morning at work staring blankly into a computer screen, simply trying to recover from two full days of nonstop 2-year-old intensity. Most rewarding thing ever? Yes. More exhausted than I've ever been? Definitely.

(Love how your mom is like, "yeah, whatever, Joe, I thought this blog was about the kids, not your bitching." :)

lorraine said...

That's right Gordon....still waiting for the photos!

Gordon said...

Haha, Lorraine, that's why I don't have a blog anymore. At least my mom can only pester me privately for photos... :)